Relatable Code


How to quickly configure ESLint for import sorting

3 min read



I can get a bit obsessive with the way the code is formatted and styled not only in a team setting but in my own personal projects. Something that I took note of along the way is that I really liked by imports at the beginning of the file being ordered in a specific way:

  1. Dependencies / Built-in modules (eg ‘react’, ‘react-router-dom’)
  2. Internal routes of absolute folders (eg ‘components’, ‘assets’)
  3. Relative routes (eg ./, ../)

And within those same subcategories, I also wanted it to be alphabetical.


With ESLint there are two options to flag errors or warnings when the imports are set in an incorrect order: sort-imports and with the help of a plugin eslint-plugin-import another rule with the name import/order.


sort-imports offers a way to alphabetically organize the imports using the declarations or the members of the declaration. For example:

Will become:

Great! We can also add a few options to ignore letter cases. In order to hook up this to ESLint we have to add a rule in the ESLint config file:

"rules": { // ..other rules, "sort-imports": ["error", { "ignoreCase": true, "ignoreDeclarationSort": true }], }

You may have noticed I am ignored declaration sort here. This is intentional, we are going to have a more nuanced approach to sorting the declarations using eslint-plugin-import.


For this to work the ESLint plugin must first be installed:

yarn add eslint-plugin-import --dev

Great! It offers a rule configuration to get very granular about how we want our imports to look. We can first differentiate the groups of our imports and split them up by groups:

"rules: { "import/order": [1,{ "groups": [ "external", "builtin", "internal", "sibling", "parent", "index"], } ] }

This will split the imports by the groups we specified at the beginning! Great! However, when using aliases with Typescript a few of our imports can be confused with dependencies.

This particular rule can help us circumvent these particular edge cases by specifying something called pathGroups.

{ "groups": [ ["external", "builtin"], "internal", ["sibling", "parent"], "index" ], "pathGroups": [ { "pattern": "components", "group": "internal" }, { "pattern": "components/**", "group": "internal" }, { "pattern": "constants/**", "group": "internal" }, { "pattern": "common", "group": "internal" }, { "pattern": "error/**", "group": "internal" }, { "pattern": "hooks/**", "group": "internal" }, { "pattern": "locale/**", "group": "internal" }, { "pattern": "routes/**", "group": "internal" }, { "pattern": "selectors", "group": "internal" }, { "pattern": "store", "group": "internal" }, { "pattern": "assets/**", "group": "internal", "position": "after" } ], "pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes": ["internal"], "alphabetize": { "order": "asc", "caseInsensitive": true } }

Great now it will consider those aliased folders under the group internal!

As part of the linting process you could now run:

yarn lint --fix

And it’ll fix all import sorting warnings.

If you see any typos or errors you can edit the article directly on GitHub

Hi, I'm Diego Ballesteros 👋.

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